Continence Care Community

Neb Medical Services is pleased to present our new blog, “Continence Care Community”. We’re dedicated to providing you with useful information to assist and improve your day to day. We’d love to hear your feedback so please comment, share, and suggest topics for our posts.

How to Get Free Diapers for a Special Needs Child

If you’re the parent of a special needs child, you know that there can be a lot of extra expenses involved in their care – everything from additional childcare to extra therapy, specialized equipment and more. However, one thing you shouldn’t have to pay for is diapers. Many kids with...

5 Ways to Manage Postpartum Incontinence

There’s no doubt about it: Having a new baby can be messy. Not only do new parents have to deal with changing diapers and constant baby spit-up, but also you may experience a lot of changes to your own body in the first few days and weeks after giving birth...